Monday, July 15, 2019

Mass Intention: A view from someone who experienced Vatican I

Someone asked me: what's the significance of announcing intentions before the Mass? Those who are attending are not concerned with the intentions so they can't offer those intentions, right? I did not answer since I have no idea. 
This question would pop-up from time to time in my mind. And just recently, I asked someone who had lived through and experienced Vatican I. She doesn't have favorable view of this. For her, this practice cause mass attendees to be distracted. The proper disposition attendees are to come early before the Mass starts and prepare oneself to unite with this Holy Sacrifice. Now, how can one focus and prepare if the is someone announcing in loud manner? She added, it is one of the changes introduced after Vatican I. In the Latin Mass (Vatican 1) there is never announcement for Mass intention before the start of the Mass. Another thing is: for what purpose is the announcement of individual's intention if the attendees are not listening and don't include to their intention what were intentions announced? Remember God said "Ask and you shall receive" then how can the request be granted immediately if only the one writing the intention is asking and offering for it?

I am not discouraging anyone or insulting the action of others.  This is only personal evaluation based on a personal knowledge of our faith as Catholic. Of course you have your free will. And the good thing there is the trust of the person making/offering the intentions to God. Knowing that the Holy Mass is the highest of highest praise and worship to the Holy Trinity. And knowing that we gain what we asked if we asked Him during this Celebration.

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