Sunday, April 7, 2019

How to Achieve Anything You Ask For?

Who has no problems, needs and wants? Often times we work hard to resolve our problem and obtain what we nee or want. But there are times that what you ask for is impossible in terms of human reasoning e.g. conversion of yourself or your loved ones, healing of terminally ill person and financial worries. So how to achieve anything you ask for even those impossible in human rationality? Let us not forget that we have an Almighty God Who is generous and compassion. 

Jesus gave St. Fautisna a devotion, that by through this He will lavish us with graces. Also He will grant EVERYTHING WE ASK by saying this devotion (Diary 1541) that is compatible with His Will. This devotion He gave for the world is the CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY. It is through our trust in His unfathomable mercy that we obtain all our petitions from Him. Trust is the vessel of grace, in other words the more we trust the more graces we receive. 

There are so much to learn about the Divine Mercy devotion but I will only highlight this one because Jesus wanted people who have problem to come to Him. He wanted people to know that NO ONE will be denied when they appeal to His Mercy. Remember at the last breath of Jesus on the cross at 3:00, mercy triumphed over justice.

So how to say the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in order to achieve anything you ask for? All you need is rosary beads, contrite heart and trust.

Remember trust that He will grant what you ask for. How can God the Father not? You knock on His Heart 50 times will full trust and commemorating the Divine Sacrifice of His Beloved Son. That alone is the reason to trust in the power of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.

The Chaplet can be recited in prayer or song. For singing the Chaplet refer on this link.

He also instructed us for the novena starting at Good Friday.

These are the souls that we bring for the Novena of Chaplet. This can be recited before of after the start of the Chaplet.

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