Saturday, June 29, 2019

United in Prayer

Cebu answers the Call of Mama Mary

 The United in Prayer started last August of 2018 in response to the call of Mama Mary. What did Mama Mary call for?

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'United in CEBU ANSWERS THE CALL OF MAMA MARY "Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners for many souls go to hell because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them. -Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto St. Joseph the Patriarch Parish, Mabolo, Cebu City'
Made by JTM Cebu. Posted in the Church
This the message of the Virgin Mary upon the three shepherd children (Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta) in Fatima, Portugal from May 13, 1917 to October 13, 1917. The apparition of Blessed Virgin in Fatima is during the WW1. Mama Mary asked the three children to continue to pray the Holy Rosary everyday and come to where she appear every 13th of the month. She promised that when Holy Rosary is said daily war will and and peace will reign. Indeed true to her words only a year and a month after her last apparition WW1 ended (July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918).

On February 11, 1858 due to Divine Appointment, Benadette saw a very beautiful Lady - she did not know that was Mama Mary during that time. It is on the 3rd apparition that Mama Mary spoke for the 1st time to her. Many people think that she had gone mad because of her actions during her visit in the Grotto where the Lady appeared. Few of  the words of Our Lady of Lourdes that struck my heart are:

"I cannot promise you happiness in this world, only in the next."

"Would you do me the kindness of coming here for 15 days?"

"Pray for sinners"

In the mountain of La Salette, France two shepherd children saw "the Beautiful Lady" seated, her head in her hands and elbows on her knees in inconsolable grief. Though she is divinely beautiful she is stricken with profound sadness. Why? Read her messages.

"For how long a time do I suffer for you! If I would not have my Son abandon you, I am compelled to pray to him without ceasing; and as to you, you take not heed of it."

"There are none who go to Mass except a few aged women. The rest work on Sunday all summer; then in the winter, when they know not what to do, they go to Mass only to mock at religion."

How much we are guilty of it but never had offer contrition and reparation for our sins.

Statue of Our Blessed Mother in Akita-Shi, Japan shed tears and blood.She conveyed her messages to woman who converted from Buddhism.

"Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests."
"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops."
"Many men in this world afflict the Lord . . . In order that the world might know His anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind . . . I have prevented the coming of calamities by offering Him the sufferings of the Son on the Cross, His Precious Blood and beloved souls who console Him forming a cohort of victim souls. Prayer, penance and courageous sacrifices can soften the Father's anger"

In all apparition Mama Mary call on people to turn back to God and to pray for conversion and salvation of soul. She emphasize too the importance of sacrifice and penance. Today as we witness the sin escalated to unprecedented level, the more needed prayers, sacrifices and penance must be offered to God. That is why as prayer warrior we started this United in Prayer to invite whoever are willing and generous of heart.

What We Do

6:00 - 6:40 pm:       Attend Holy Mass
6:40 - 7:00 pm:       Church Updates/ Current Happenings (Presentation)
7:00 - 8:00 pm:       Holy Rosary
                               Chaplet of Divine Mercy
                               Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
                               Prayer for Aborted Babies
                               Prayer to St. Micheal the Archangel

Why these prayers

Holy Mass - without a doubt must not be excluded. It is the highest of all prayers. In fact all prayers said for the entire day is not enough compared to one single Holy Mass offered. That the power of Holy Mass.

Church Updates/ Current Happenings - to let the attendees what they pray for. To excite their souls so as to offer prayers said from the heart. To let them know the current status of the world. To tell them that the prophecies of Mama Mary foretold in all her apparition are unfolding. To make people aware and alert that they may uphold the Word of God should lies and heresy are placed before them.

Holy Rosary - protection against evil attacks. 

"The Most Holy Rosary is for everyone and those who want to benefit from my protection – the Gift I received from God to defend souls from the evil one."
"I have been accorded the power to crush him. If you invoke my help I can ease your torment." "If they do not call on me, I cannot help them."
"It is so powerful that it renders the deceiver useless. He can do nothing to you, or your family, when you recite this daily."
"Satan’s power is weakened when you say my Rosary. He runs away in great pain and becomes powerless."
(Note: these are the words of Mama Mary in the Book of Truth)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy - for conversion of souls, even the hardened and blackened souls

"Use this Prayer for every person known to you who may be dying, for I will guarantee their salvation if you do."
"Believers, you must pray for your friends, spouses, relatives, parents, brothers, sisters and children who have little faith. My prayer of Divine Mercy, when recited by you on their behalf will save their souls. That is My promise to you now."
"The more you trust in Me completely, the stronger is My Mercy. The more I can forgive. My Mercy is so powerful that it can wipe out the sins of all mankind."
"The more you ask for My help, the more you receive."
(Note: these are the words of Jesus in the Book of Truth)

Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary - to strengthen the resolve and commitment of every attendees through the graces receive during consecration.

Prayer for Aborted Babies - every baby hold special place in the Heart of God.

"No man has the right to take the life of a child, still to take his first breath at the time of birth. This crime is heinous and unforgivable. All souls come from My Eternal Father and are created at the moment of conception."
Abortion is a despicable act and it wipes out generations of God’s children who cannot defend themselves.”
(Note: these are the words of Jesus in the Book of Truth)

Prayer to St. Micheal the Archangel - to rebuke the demons surrounding us, literally

"He is the protector of the Church against Satan. Those forces among you knew this. This is why you stopped all prayers requesting his help before Me at the Holy Mass" 
(Note: this is the words of Jesus in the Book of Truth)

Here are some of the photos taken during the UIP:

 Candles were lighted during Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. They are all being offered to aborted babies afterward. 

(Thanks to the one who volunteer to sponsor for candles.)

This grandma had been present since the start of our United in Prayers. She never preach but seeing her I learned so much in the aspect of humility and joy.

 Just early this year we had new batch of regular attendees - the CSB (Community Scouts Boys). Praise the Lord.

The prayers of these kids are very powerful because they are pure and innocent.

 Discussion before prayer. Last June 26 what were presented were the Last Secret of Fatima about Papacy and the Synod on the Amazon.

We pray that the endorsement of abolition of celibacy of priest and ordination of women will NEVER happen.

If it does, God have mercy on those people who participated. Sigh. The Church is indeed facing the final persecution before the 2nd Coming of Jesus.

 Thank you for generous people who gave sacramental at the end of UIP. Already we received: Holy Oil, Holy Water, Benedictine Medal

 Last May UIP we offer flower to Mama Mary. Thank you Mama Mary I was able to give flower during Flores de Mayo. It's been a while.

To those who are in Cebu you are very much welcome. To those who might know someone in Cebu, please inform them of these. The Holy Trinity and Mama Mary awaits for your response to this call from Heaven.

For more information please visit FB page: 

United in Prayer Cebu Answers the Call of Mama Mary



  1. I am from Cebu, and I am sharing this April.

    1. Thank you for the share! Since ECQ pa karon wala sa United in Prayer but once malift up na resumed ang UIP every 4th Wednesday of the month. God Bless and protect you and your family!
