Tuesday, May 28, 2019

What to Prepare for Island Hopping

Jesus to Mankind Summer Fellowship

Summer season is the best time for outing in the Philippines. Aside from high possibility of good, sunny weather the school year ends during summer months. In other words kids don't go to school except if they have summer classes and as such this give opportunity to have family outing/vacation. Jesus to Mankind - Cebu Philippines, a crusade prayer group where I joined, decided to have fellowship through island hopping in Mactan, Cebu.

We had island hopping to know each other and to talk with each member in personal level. It is because during our crusade prayer meeting, we never have ample time to talk with other member. On weekdays we meet on Monday and Thursday for 2 hours and once in weekend for 4 hour to pray. Our time is just enough to pray the needed prayers as requested by Jesus in Book of Truth. So we decided this fellowship to strengthen the bond of each member.

But before enjoying the sun, there are things needed to be prepared in order to fully enjoy it without agonizing the consequences of being unprepared. 



Arm yourselves with spiritual and physical protection. Before starting the journey/outing the very first thing to do is pray. What to pray? Protection and success of the intention of your outing. In our group before the boat set sail we prayed and sprinkle holy water and blessed salt because there many cases of jellyfish attack in Mactan area.
To protect against the blazing sun put sunscreen and wear rash guard. Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before exposing under the sun to effectively protect you.Make sure you apply sunscreen/sunblock SPF 30 or higher.
To protect the eye against the bright rays bring sunglasses. It is not only for fashion but the main purpose of it is eye protection.
And since it is sea outing bring snorkel or googles to protect you eyes as you dive in the sea.


Be generous in food preparation. It is island hopping so aside from appreciating the sea horizon and island created by God with you eyes, it is natural to swim in the sea, dive, and appreciate the creatures below the sea. Swimming and diving requires energy which is derived from food. After these physical exertion, your appetite increases which means you would want to eat more than your regular meal. A study entitled:  Happy Eating: The underestimated role of overeating in a positive mood” suggest that good mood is factor of increase in food consumption. So for those who enjoys outing, bring ample of food.
Also don't forget to bring lots of water  as you need to be hydrated. Also bring extra cash. There are chances that there are local foods that might want to try. Also when there is food there should be eating utensils.


"Take nothing but pictures". Bring your cameras it is good to reminisce memories. In the picture you captures the emotion and feeling that will be preserved forever.  It remembers even the little things that are long forgotten and thing not written in your diary. Of course it is also beneficial to all bloggers.


It is never appealing to see dirty area. Bring any plastic bag that will serve as trash bag to keep hygienic surrounding. Also remember to " leave nothing but footprints".


After long swimming and exposing to salt water it is necessary to wash yourself with fresh water. It is not advisable to keep wearing wet clothes going home even if you will ride in private vehicle. This might cause catching cold or fever.

Now that you had prepare everything it is time to enjoy! The boat we rented for P7,500.00 was good for 35-40 people. We visited 3 islands.

The highlight of the island hopping is in San Vicente Marine Fish Sanctuary. We enjoy the company of schools of fishes.

Having fun is not a reason to negate our duty to be Warriors of Christ. We paused swimming to pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy when clock stroked at 3 pm for Conversion and Salvation of Souls.

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