Friday, February 1, 2019

April showers bring May flowers

természet fű kivirul harmat növény mező fényképezés rét napfény reggel levél növényen virág nyár Százszorszép vadvilág zöld makró növénytan kert növényvilág fauna vadvirág harmat csepp vadvirág bezár szem sáfrány virágzás makró harmatcseppek virágos növény szárazföldi növény

My first blog will be who am I: a little pinch of history of a very short poem. What poem? Clue - on big font. "April showers bring May flowers" is meaningful for me. This is us, the three women in my family, my sister, me and my mother. Thus, I really like it.


A little probing on the internet, I found that this poem was recorded since 1557. This short poem was included in the work published by under Thomas Tusser. It is a collecttion of writings entitled "Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie". The poem is found on the 38th chapter under April husbandrie.

Sweet April showers

Do spring May flowers

Another poem which included similar phrase was recorded, presumably on 1610:

March winds and April showers

Bring forth May flowers

Sense of the Poem

This was then reduced and become known to: "April showers bring May flowers". The poem originated in Ireland and United Kingdom where heavy rains occur in April. So for them the poem has basically literal meaning. The poem can simply describe their climate. But for people who don't have rainy April, reflecting on this short poem brings forth deep meaning. The poem can be used to consul people. It reminds us the virtues of hope and perseverance. In whatever bad circumstances, up to the endurance of your tolerance, it be won't forever. When bad things stops a time just as magnificent in the meadow of flowers begins. And looking back the rainstorm you just survive, you find that it is but a shower.

At the first sight of the poem I come to love it. It is because my given name is April and my sister's is May. Philippines, my country, have summer in April so we seldom experience April showers though we have May flowers. My mother loves flowers so every May most beautiful blossoms within the entire year. Most of the flowers blooms and trees bears fruit in May. The kids offers flowers to Mama Mary in chapel during May (Flores de Mayo). It is delightful to watch their enthusiasm asking and preparing the flowers in our home that they bring to the chapel. 

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