Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Why Travelling is Becoming Popular

The trend of today's generation aside from social media is travelling. Despite the danger of terrorist the growth of tourism industry sped up. According to World Travel Monitor, worldwide outbound trips for the first 8 months of 2016 increased by 3.9% and 6% on 2017
. The  sharing platform like Airbnb is starting to rise together with increasing trend in travel. Millennials are apparently the main contributor in travel market.

There are many reasons why travelling become the trend today. People crave something new that would excite them. They feel proud overcoming something which boost their confidence. Others travel not just for leisure but to learn (language, culture, places, etc) or acquire new skills. These experience then expand their perspective in life. They will be able to think new ideas by exposing themselves in wider world. They will meet other people who might change your life forever or might give them the best lesson in life. Travelling can also make people realize that there is no place like home. Travelling with family strengthen the bonds also opportunity to make new friends. 

Travel can be make people relax and relive stress. This act recharge them to improve their mood. This have been trending new year's resolution because it has been popular theme on social media like Facebook and Twitter. People tend to aim for many "Likes" in their posts. One that could attract the followers is scenic place where they took their picture.

But despite all these shouldn't we prioritize the true peace by which we are not anxious of the comments and Likes of others? Shouldn't we avoid thinking after the vacation/travel that we are now going back to reality? A message of Jesus from the Book of Truth has struck me, He said:

"... Don’t be fooled by the attractions that Earth has to offer. They pale into insignificance when compared with the splendour of My Father’s Kingdom..."
 Now  no matter what it is, I hope His message will touch something in you.

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