Monday, February 11, 2019

Care Tips for New Born Cocker Spaniel without Mommies

Adopting cocker spaniel at very early age is a big responsibility. You will become not just the owner but also the mother of the cocker spaniel puppy. Taking care of them demands love, patience, time and focus so be ready when you commit this responsibility. Here are some care tips for new born cocker spaniels without mommies 

Feeding: Focus Gently

New born cocker spaniel (1-3 weeks) are very dependent on the mother dog for food. So how to take care of newborn cocker spaniel when they are yet to open their eyes to recognize the food plus having no mother dog? Alternatively, use an eyedropper or syringe to push the canine milk so that they can be fed. Feed them for every two hours in their fist week, then increase the amount of formula and feeding time interval to every four to six hours on the second and third week.

Their should be specifically canine milk that is formulated particularly for them. It is not advisable to opt cow's milk unless it is emergency and canine milk is not yet available. Be gentle in feeding them. Check the temperature first before giving it to them. Take time on feeding them to let them swallow the milk on their own pace. They might choke if you haste in feeding them.

Weaning: Funny Mess?

Now we got to fun but messy part of cocker spaniel's life. Weaning is process of replacing canine milk with other food sources gradually. They can begin to consume high-quality puppy food other than milk to cease the "breastfeeding" stage on their 3rd to 4th week. Give them gruel formula by mixing dry, high-quality puppy food (2 cups) and canine milk(12.5 oz). Please make sure to place their bowls in easily-to-clean surfaces to prevent hard work in cleaning. You need to introduce to them the food. Let them be familiar of it by dipping your finger in the formula and let them smell it. When they get to recognize the food, let the mess begin. They will enjoy eating in messy way just like babies. On the next one or two weeks gradually decrease the amount of milk in the formula until they can eat full dry puppy food.

Warming Up: Do Alternative/Improvise

Naturally, puppies cuddle to their mother or to each other  to be keep themselves warmed. It is not recommended to sleep beside them because of the danger of crushing them. So how to keep them warm without having the mother dog or litter? A bottle filled with hot water and wrapped by towel/blankets or heating lamp/pad can be alternatives to provide them warmth. Please bear in mind to heating pad/lamp need not be too hot for them. The heat source must be around 90 degrees Fahrenheit on their first week and 70 – 80 degrees until they are one month old. The heating sources can be removed beyond a month onld provided that they sleep in a warm environment like inside your home.

Sanitation: Help their Elimination

Mother dogs lick their cocker spaniel pups on their lower abdomen and near the rectum  after meals to stimulate elimination. As her replacement, do just the same using cotton ball moistened by warm water. Continue to do this until their 3rd week. Most of the puppies will develop necessary muscles to control urination and elimination by then. The color of their urine and stool should be checked to evaluate their health. They are healthy if their urine is pale yellow or clear and their stool should be dark brown and partially formed.

In summary, the treatment for new born cocker spaniels without mommies is mostly similar to human babies. We can opt for things as alternative for their mother but more effort is needed in our part.  Their basics needs are food, warmth, and tender loving care of their owners. At the first weeks, they are so dependent of these. The responsibility of being their mother is very laborious job, but this will be overwhelmed by the reward of watching grow from defenseless puppies to loyal dog. Remember, April showers bring May flowers.

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