Saturday, February 23, 2019

Forgiveness is never easy

It is hard to advise a person to forgive others because forgiveness is never easy. Not until I read the message of Jesus in the Book of Truth did I expand my understand on why forgiveness is pathway to freedom and the danger of not forgiving. Be open and let His Words help you.

"Know that every time you forgive another, although he may seem like the enemy, you expand My Heart of Love and Mercy." - Jesus Christ (01/14/2011)

Forgiveness is a sign of love not only to your neighbor but also to Him. It is His Love poured out to you that enables you to forgive others. When we are tempted to hurt, punish or retaliate to satisfy the anger within us, never forget that Jesus is present in them - even to those who hate Him. It has been His teaching since the beginning and in need to be reminded to us (Matthew 25:40). Logically when we inflict damage to those who hurt us we do the same to Him.

The best thing to do to those inflict pain to us is to pray for them. We are only able to pray for them if we had forgiven them. We will be able to forgive them if we push pride and self worth aside, and replace it by humility. Self worth goes like this - " Why would I forgive them? What do they take me as.....?!"; "Who do he/she think he/she is?!". So what do Jesus say.

"Pride and a sense of self-worth prevent this great act of mercy taking place. This is the work of Satan; for he knows that lack of forgiveness leads to other more serious sins against God the Father. When you cannot forgive others, first of all, you build up a resentment, which when it festers, leads to hatred and even murder." - Jesus Christ (04/21/2011)

It is better for them to be converted by His Grace through your prayers for them than to continue the dispute. A converted foe is superior over unrepentant one. When an offenders convert they won't continue to hurt others. Praying for them for conversion will save of future pain by their actions.We should not build up resentment, although difficult, because we will become puppet of Satan.

If we still are not able to do forgive and pray for them, do not be discourage. First we must accept that Satan exist and it is his work that influence people to hurt others. It is his aim to hurt us so that we can't forgive others and live in harmony with our neighbor. Always keep in mind that anger never comes from God. Once you feel this know that Satan is at work to make you commit sin. Be generous of heart by offer the hurt and sufferings you feel to God for salvation of souls. Accept that suffering is a Gift from God to purify you.

"Offer your sufferings to Me. By doing so, you are relieving the torment I endure, when I experience the pain of My Passion on the Cross, over and over again, each day as I witness the horror in the world today." - Jesus Christ (01/14/2011)

Pray to God and confide Him how hard it is to forgive others. For by doing so He will pour out His Graces over to you. Go to Adoration, He is there and will strengthen you.

"The next time someone torments you, treats you cruelly and mentally abuses you children if you could remember this then you will overcome your pain." - Jesus Christ (08/04/2012)

Crusade Prayer (75) I assign My Pain to You dear Jesus

Jesus I assign my pain and suffering to that which You suffered during Your Agony on Calvary.
For every abuse and verbal onslaught I suffer I offer it in honour of Your Crowning of Thorns.
For every unfair criticism of me I offer it in honour of Your humiliation in front of Pilate.
For every physical torment I endure at the hands of others I offer it in honour of Your Scourging at the Pillar.
For every insult I endure I offer it up in honour of the terrible physical torture You endured during the Crowning of Thorns when they tore out Your Eye.
For every time I imitate You, impart Your Teachings and when I am sneered at in Your Name let me help You on the road to Calvary.
Help me to be rid of pride and never to be afraid to admit that I love You dear Jesus.
Then when all seems hopeless in my life dear Jesus help me to be brave by remembering how You willingly allowed Yourself to be Crucified in such a vile and cruel way.
Help me to stand up and be counted as a true Christian, a true soldier in Your army, humble and contrite in my heart, in remembrance of the Sacrifice You made for me.
Hold my hand dear Jesus and show me how my own suffering can inspire others to join Your army with like-minded souls who love You.
Help me to accept suffering and to offer it up to You as a gift to save souls in the final battle against the tyranny of the evil one. Amen.

"When you truly place all your trust in Me, I can work great miracles to bring you, not only relief from suffering, but to draw you even closer to My Sacred Heart." - Jesus (05/03/2014)

Crusade Prayer (148) Come to my aid

O my Jesus, help me, in my time of great distress. Hold me in Your Arms and take me into the Refuge of Your Heart. Wipe away my tears. Calm my resolve. Lift my spirits and fill me with Your Peace. Please grant me this special request (mention it here…). Come to my aid, so that my request is answered and that my life can become peaceful and in union with You, dear Lord. If my request cannot be granted, then fill me with the Grace to accept that Your Holy Will is for the good of my soul and that I will remain faithful to Your Word, forever, with a kind and gracious heart. Amen.

"When you are guilty of terrible sin, you must fight every single second to remove yourself from danger and strive to remain true to Me at all times. The easiest way to do this is to love one another as I love you. Anything that removes you from love for one another does not come from Me." - Jesus (05/31/2014)

Crusade Prayer (152) Help me in my hour of helplessness

Dear Jesus, help me in my hour of helplessness.
Free me from sin and open my eyes, my heart and my soul to the deceit of the devil and his wicked ways.
Fill me with Your Love when I feel hatred in my heart.
Fill me with Your Peace when I feel grief.
Fill me with Your Strength when I am weak.
Save me from the prison within which I find myself, so that I can be free and be held safely in Your Sacred Arms. Amen.

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