Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April's Challenge: Blog's Name

As blogger, there comes plateau called "blog fade" a phase not beneficial for your site. A firm commitment to grow your site is needed to sustain your "career" as blogger. While reading blogs of others I stumbled upon a post intended for the whole month of April. And I think why not? Make this 30-Day Blog Challenge be the April showers of my blog. Coincidentally, we're on enhanced quarantine for full month so I have extra time - saved from time of travel and traffic.

So this is I, April, commencing my April showers in the form of April's Challenge for this month of April. And no, I'm not obsessed with my name.

The Day 01 challenge - Your Blog's Name

My blog is From there you can evaluate the personality of the blogger. In my case, it is named as such since I don't want to work on something I am interested about. They said that for you not to be burned out, your passion should be your job. From there I formulated my blog's name hoping that it will not fade.

For those who turned blogs into market platform, blog name is critical. Generally a "good" blog name has good market value just like brands in product. Blog names considered to be bad if it is confusing and hard to spell out which will be inconvenient to for the readers to share to others. If you come up with blog name far fetched from your content, then it will confuse the audience. In contrast, if you have cool name with relevant content, then this would attract your target audience. This then will generate good blog traffic that would increase the market value of your site.

Naturally my blog is in the category if "bad name" with the diversity of my content. I am not saying I am proud of it nor will I stop this blog and create a "good one". I have different perspective in making blog. I took delight in sitting down and just observing and pondering, from that I had reflections and rationalization. A pity I forgot about those by the next day. This cases had happened quite often. So I decided to record those things in the blog. Well you might suggest that I just make a diary? Well though I'm a bit an introvert I still can share because most of the content in my blog is not my emotion but opinion or evaluation of the topic based from the information and truth presented before me.

With my bad blog name, I am happy that Someone stumbled in this blog. Happier if Someone leave comments. And happiest if another Someone share my posts. Till next time Someone, in my other far fetched posts.


  1. I love your perspective about the importance of a blog's name, this is great and very insightful.

    1. Thank you Chad! I am happy that you're Someone who also stumbled in my blog.
